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Our mission is to empower professionals to develop knowledge & skills successfully.




  • March 27, 2017 10:00 AM | ATDps Admin (Administrator)
    With today's high-stress environment, it has become almost reflexive to try to multitask. Neuroscience research has demonstrated that our brains are not capable of multitasking effectively. Instead, we need to be more mindful and focused—and that is where listening comes in. Active listening helps build more positive relationships, reduces errors, and helps productivity. With tremendous competition for attention, listening requires both will and skill to be effective. Join this interactive webcast to learn some practical ideas to improve your listening skills and help others. You’ll:
    • Learn what the latest research tells us about the capacity of the human brain to absorb information.
    • Assess your own listening skills.
    • Identify your personal listening traps.

  • March 13, 2017 10:24 AM | ATDps Admin (Administrator)

    You're Invited to Join 10,000 of Your Peers and Colleagues From Around the World!

    The ATD 2017 International Conference & Exposition is is the largest, most comprehensive industry event out there, providing you with the knowledge, strategies, and solutions you need to effectively train and develop talent at your company.

    Hurry! Rates increase March 31. Save $600 now.  Register Now!  Use our CHiP number 8020 and support your local chapter at the same time!

  • February 19, 2017 5:08 PM | ATDps Admin (Administrator)

    Applying for a BEST Award Has Its Benefits

    Sure, winning an award is great for attracting and retaining talent, showing value for the work that you do, and earning recognition for your achievements, but did you know:

    The application process requires you to look holistically, critically and appreciatively at your work—a tremendous learning opportunity!

    Winners become the industry benchmark for our annual State of the Industry report—even if you don't win, you can use the report to examine areas for improvement.

    Entrants can request feedback from the reviewers—it's like one-on-one peer mentoring!

    Interested in learning more? Join our free webcast on February 27 at 12 p.m. ET to learn 10 tips for the ATD BEST awards application, and have all your questions answered!

    Register for webcast

  • February 08, 2017 12:00 PM | ATDps Admin (Administrator)

    Well documented as a top way to improve performance, coaching continues to be in the spotlight when it comes to effectively developing talent. For organizations, the decision to have its leaders serve in the role of coach depends on a variety of factors, not the least of which are buy-in and support for the approach and the coaching skills of those involved.

    This webcast will focus on three aspects of leaders as coaches: engaging leaders in the coaching process, equipping them with coaching skills, and exciting them about the impact coaching can have on improved individual and team performance, employee engagement, and trust. It will touch on the pros and cons of a leader as coach, as well as explore three key skills that all coaches must do well to be successful. This session includes a case study that documents the success, including impact and ROI of leaders as coaches.

    Attendees will be able to:

    • Identify key points to gain buy-in for a “leader as coach” approach.
    • Consider how best to support leaders with acquiring or improving coaching skills.
    • Create excitement in their organizations for establishing a coaching culture.
  • January 30, 2017 7:54 PM | Anonymous

    Check out what we are up to in the month of February.  Our newsletter is available here.  Find out where our next interest group events will be held and what we'll be sharing at this month's chapter meeting.  We look forward to seeing you this coming month!

  • January 27, 2017 9:00 AM | ATDps Admin (Administrator)

    ATDps Members are Invited to deepen their facilitation skills in this FREE 2 hour workshop, facilitated by Sage Ways Consultants Anita Bhasin and Liz Welch.


    About the workshop: “How to Manufacture Heat in the Classroom”


    As facilitators, we often need to bring people to their learning edge. To do this through the lecture/storytelling mode just isn’t enough…. instead we need to focus on experiential learning where we produce ambiguity, uncertainty, and confusion for leaders— not comfort. Creating this heat provides the crucible for learning. This can be very uncomfortable for facilitators who will almost certainly be blamed for the confusion. But for development to occur, “trainers” must learn to stop teaching and step aside.


    The purpose of this session is to provide you with an under-the-covers view of how you can intervene skillfully to raise the heat in the classroom. The method of teaching this session is different from what you might traditionally find in a classroom. The intent is to create the conditions in the room that you might find in your workplace so that you can learn how to intervene skillfully by doing so yourselves while in this session. The process involves taking risks, learning on the edges of your current knowledge and expanding it, and learning by actively doing leadership -  not listening to someone talking about leadership. This approach, called Case-in-Point was pioneered at Harvard and aims to help participants bolster their leadership capacities by having them experience challenges in the "here and now," rather than simply discussing leadership concepts.


    To learn more about who should attend, what you’ll learn, the method used, and your facilitators please visit the REGISTRATION link, where you can also register to participate.


    Space is limited to 24 participants, so grab your spot today!


    Link to registration:


    Link to more information about Case-in-Point:


  • January 26, 2017 11:49 AM | ATDps Admin (Administrator)

    The 2017 CPLP preparation program schedule and testing schedule are available. Registration for the Knowledge Exam (April to October windows) and for the Skills Application Exam (March to December windows) is now open.

  • January 26, 2017 11:48 AM | ATDps Admin (Administrator)

    ATD President and CEO Tony Bingham announced to chapter leaders at the ATD Chapter Leaders Conference (ALC) that the ATD Certification Institute (ATD CI) is creating a new certification for talent development professionals who are in the early part of their careers or whose professional roles and aspirations are focused on a few areas of expertise. Learn more about this new certification, which may be a destination for some or a stepping stone to the CPLP for others. Chapter leaders are in critical positions to help shape this certification because they guide members through various ATD professional development opportunities and serve in senior roles at their organizations. Email the ATD CI at with questions and feedback.

  • January 04, 2017 12:50 PM | ATDps Admin (Administrator)

    Becoming a volunteer is the best way to get known, and get to know others in our great chapter!

    There are a number of different ways to get involved, each with different commitment levels. Please review current openings on this page, as well as position descriptions for managers and coordinators linked to below. If you have any questions please reach to our Director of Membership Services at

    Registration Coordinator

    Speaker Manager

    Speaker Committee Member


  • December 07, 2016 10:00 AM | ATDps Admin (Administrator)

    Sponsored by The Presentation Company – Portland, OR


    Neuroscience tells us that two powerful tools — storytelling and visuals — capture attention and drive people to action. The best storytellers do this because they remember one important fact: People are 22 times more likely to remember a message or data if it’s wrapped in story. So why not present that way?

    Join us as TPC's master trainer, Kevin Campbell, shares insights on how to turn dry facts and data into audience-grabbing visual stories. Campbell will demonstrate through real stories why storytelling is so effective in selling ideas and driving the business conversation forward. 

    In this webinar, you will learn:

    – What makes fantastic business storytelling (with examples)
    – The 4 signposts of classic storytelling
    – How a simple tool can pull scattered ideas into a powerful, memorable, visual story

    Kevin Campbell

    Kevin Campbell is a master trainer for The Presentation Company, a business communications firm that specializes in innovative online and onsite presentation skills training. 

    Kevin's career includes over 12 years’ experience in employee training and development, marketing, business communications and management. 

    He has held positions as a Nike Global Trainer, facilitating workshops for employees throughout North and South America. Kevin also spent ten years in the entertainment industry where he honed and crafted story as an on-camera host for networks such as National Geographic, AMC, and A&E. Kevin has also spent time behind the camera developing pilots for Bravo and Comedy Central. 

    With a diverse background in marketing, business and broadcasting, Kevin brings a fresh perspective to today's multimedia business presentations.




ATD Puget Sound Chapter
P.O. Box 46573
Seattle, WA 98146



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