Meet people from private and public sectors in training, coaching, performance improvement, human resources, leadership development, and organizational development with an emphasis on Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) in our work. This interest group's overall goal is to exchange ideas, share best practices and strategies, and resources to help shift the culture of Talent Development through DEI lenses and build a culture that weaves DEI into the fabric of our work. Feel free to invite others who may benefit from this group and are committed to building an inclusive, varied workplace welcoming to people of all backgrounds.
Employee Resource Groups (ERGs) also known as “Affinity Groups” in certain circles first began with Xerox in the 1960s. Employees formed a group to address race-based issues and concerns in their workplace. This led to what we refer to as ERGs. ERGs provide several benefits for organizations. In a 2022 article in the Association for Talent Development (ATD), Ilit Raz identified some of these benefits. These benefits are as follows:
ATD Puget Sound ChapterP.O. Box 46573 Seattle, WA 98146 ©-2024
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